The seeds of Ruth Remnant Ministry, Inc. were planted many years ago...
Growing up in a home where Israel was loved and prayed for, I knew nothing of the complacency of the church or the Replacement Theology that abounds within its walls. Beginning my own journey traveling to Israel in the 1990’s and going ever since, I began to realize that I was “odd” in my love and compassion for the Jewish people.
I had a friend once say to me, “Danise, Israel is your hobby or ministry while mine is elsewhere.”
That comment launched many questions in my mind concerning the church and Israel, as the pages of Scripture are pretty clear about EVERY believer’s responsibility to comfort, love, pray for and minister to the Chosen People of God inside the land of Israel and in the Diaspora.
Those questions also led me to ask “WHY is the church so disconnected with the Land of Israel and her people.” Such are the questions that change lives and place us on the path of life and light, our heart beating with the heart of the God for Israel.
Ruth Remnant Ministry, Inc. was birthed out of my personal journey to the realization that Yahweh created and is restoring ONE Body, One people through His servant Abraham. Learning what it means to be Grafted In to the ONE tree of His design, as Apostle Paul shares in Romans and Ephesians, helped me to walk away from the lies that have been passed down from pulpit to pulpit about the Hebrew Scriptures being done away with and that we are no longer required to walk in HIS WAYS, His instruction, spoken from the very mouth of the God of Israel.
Ruth Remnant exists to educate believers on the History of the Church and how the religious leaders of the 3rd and 4th centuries propagated a form of religion that severed us from our deep heritage in the whole counsel of God – from Genesis to Revelation. By the 4th century, Jesus and His disciples would have been excommunicated from the church at the very least, or executed, as the church killed many believers who celebrated Sabbath and kept the Lord’s appointed Feasts’ days as given in His Word. The First century church looked and WAS very Jewish and very Hebraic. Those believers receiving the Messiah and still living the instructions of the Father in the power and grace of the Spirit given at Shavuot (Pentecost). Without going further into this fact, I ask you, the person reading this, to do your OWN read of history! Why does the church do what they do and turn their backs on the very Scripture that promised our Messiah’s coming and continue to prophesy of His Return!? The truth will confront you and cause you to make a decision. Will you continue to walk in lies (Jeremiah 16:19) OR the truth of His eternal Word given to His people for redemption and restoration?
Ruth Remnant also exists to be a voice for Israel, the Jewish people, believing and non-believing, as the ancient hatred of anti-Semitism rises to the forefront on every continent on the globe. The church is virtually silent on this issue. Some because they truly believe Yahweh is done with Israel – as if they are some forsaken people. Some are silent out of complacency and self-absorption. Whatever the reason, RRM desires to be on the forefront of combatting both replacement theology and complacency and call the church to her Biblically mandated role to Bless Israel and stand boldly against those who would curse her.
As a Believer in the God of Israel, through Messiah Yeshua, Ruth Remnant stands on the Word of God and aims to live out the words of Ruth, “Your people will be my people, Your God will be my God. Where you lodge I will lodge, and where you die, there I will be buried with you.” Ruth 1:16-17.
May Believers worldwide awaken to that covenant word!
Danise Peters
President, Ruth Remnant Ministry